The Old West-with a perfect blend of classic firepower, legendary characters of the time, holsters, knives and Cowboy Action Shooting-comes alive again in each quarterly issue of Guns of The Old West. Warning: Only die-hard enthusiasts should dare to join the party!
YEAR FOR CELEBRATION • Three iconic guns turn 150 and the Texas Rangers mark 200 years of service
Guns of the Old West
BUYER BEWARE! • Educate yourself on how to spot fake or unoriginal firearms for sale online
GRIPPING & SPURRING • Hand forged spurs and customizing an 1851 Navy’s grips
GUNS FOR HIRE • History of the Pinkerton National Detective Agency and the criminals they chased
ICONIC TRIO TURNS 150 • Colt Single Action Army ★ Winchester Model 1873 ★ Springfield Trapdoor
Brothers PIETTA • SIXTY YEARS OF TRADITION all started with an order for 10,000 Colt 1851 Navy revolvers
BRASS .45-70 SIDE GATE • Old-world aesthetics with cutting-edge precision manufacturing in one rifle
PRESERVING HISTORY • Heritage .22 six-shooters are perfect for first-time shooters
SWALLOWED BY THE SAND • Is the dry California desert hiding a Spanish galleon from centuries ago?
FRANKENSTEIN .45 • CIMARRON delivers its rendition of Tuco’s six-gun from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
PIETTA'S NEW SAA • What if the 9x19mm took hold in the USA much, much earlier?
Clint Eastwood’s Gun Leather • Following the Western movie star through his GUN LEATHER JOURNEY
SUPER WRANGLER • RUGER’S newest single-action rimfire offers .22 LR and .22 WMR
The Legendary MICHAEL SEVERS • One man, five dollars and a gallon of whiskey turned the tide at the Battle of New Orleans
Crazy For Crockett • A look back to a simpler time in American history
TRAPPING TRICK$ • How to streamline your gear and techniques to max out your yearly fur harvest
RED RIVER TRADING • Short history lesson on the Metis people and their innovative treks to rendevous
UPLAND PARADISE • Flint Oak and Hodgdon come together for an upland hunt of a lifetime