New Philosopher is for curious people seeking solutions to the fundamental problems faced by humankind. New Philosopher is devoted to exploring philosophical ideas from past and present thinkers on ways to live a more fulfilling life, and to seek to find solutions to the most pressing problems faced by humans in contemporary society.
New Philosopher
The way to wealth
What makes one wealthy?
Why wealth corrupts
The Rich List
Greek Hold’em
First among equals
FORTUNES WON & LOST • Americans spend $73.5b p.a. on lottery tickets in the hope of having a better life. 70% of people who suddenly receive a windfall of cash will lose it within a few years, according to the National Endowment for Financial Education.
Online at • is an online portal for exploring philosophical ideas on ways to live a more fulfilling life. Read the articles, join in discussions, and watch free online documentaries.
What is wealth for?
How rich is too rich?
Wealth and worth
Wealth divides
Reverse the flow
Basic income
Wealth of philosophers
Cautionary tales
Wealth • What is wealth? How important is it to our everyday lives? Here are six eminent thinkers’ views on wealth and what it means to us.
Cultural capital
WEALTH /welθ/
Social health is wealth
Yesterday and today
What is money?
The waste land
Our library • Food for thought from the New Philosopher library. We discover books that can change the way you view the world.
The covetous man • From Aesop’s Fables, by Samuel Croxall
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Justin Weinberg • In conversation with Zan Boag