Celtic Life International is home to an extensive collection of feature stories, interviews, history, heritage, news, views, reviews, recipes, events, trivia, humour and tidbits from across all Seven Celtic Nations and beyond.
Celtic Life International
Celtic Culture
Celtic Life Style
Airson Gràidh nam Bàrdachd
De Tha Dol
Celts in the Community
the celtic collection • Craving Celtic culture? We've got you covered….
Ceotha • One scottish woman creates the ties that bind.
Rosslyn Chapel • Scotland’s famous spiritual site is alive with spirits of the past.
Tomnahurich Cemetery • As Celtic Life International contributor Jo de Sylva explains, Scotland’s Tomnahurich Hill towers over Inverness’ past and present
the Bretons: Saints and Migrants • As Celtic Life International correspondent Steve Melia explains, the Celtic coast of Brittany holds many secrets…
Driving the Welsh Dogleg
Connecting Celtic Culture • For many, Celtic culture remains a puzzle of past and present.
Citizen McKennitt
The Jesus and Mary Chain • Formed in East Kildare, Scotland in 1983, alt-rockers The Jesus and Mary Chain have been writing, recording, and performing together for more than 40 years. Recently we caught up with vocalist and co-founder Jim Reid to discuss the band’s latest recording Glasgow Eyes, their upcoming tour, and the state of modern music.
Celtic Tenors • The Celtic Tenors return to form
Clare Cunningham • One Irish singer-songwriter makes music because she must…
The Harp Twins • One dynamic musical duo doubles the fun
Alan Doyle • Canada’s beloved troubadour takes his home on the road
Celtic Poetry • The art of poetry remains a key component of Celtic culture.
Alexandra Kiley • What happens when an American travel consultant meets a charming Scottish local?
The Wheel of the Year • To everything there is a season. Celtic Life International Managing Editor Rebecca Dingwell tells us more.
Master Kilt Tailoring • One Scottish woman seeks to preserve the Celtic craft of kilt making.
Tom King • As William Shakespeare once wrote, “Some people are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.”
Kimberly Arnold • For one Canadian woman, creativity is its own reward
Amanda Lynn Mayhew • Professional hunter goes from ‘dressed to kill’ to ‘Dressed to Kilt’
Trinity Irish Dance • Chicago-based troupe connects Celts
Elphi Désidérata
Christine Brunnock
James Brew
Pan Celtic Race • Life is like riding a bicycle; to keep your balance you must keep moving.
Keith MacCallum • One Canadian piper loves to put on a show.
Joanna Clare • One Irish American woman carries the torch of Celtic tradition
Natalie Quick • One Toronto Highland dance teacher keeps what she has by giving it away
Simnel Cake
Celebrating Compass Box
Holy Spring