Everything you need to know about drawing and much more. Easy to follow guides and heaps of new drawing techniques.
Blue Wrens • When I have a pencil in my hand, drawing the details of a quirky animal or bird, I am totally happy, in a meditative, calm, state where time stands still. I love to draw, every day. I love the look of detailed drawings. If given a few moments to do anything I like, I choose to draw.
Relocation • Although currently on a ‘relocation’ theme – placing animals that were evicted from their natural environment in unnatural settings – this artist would love to illustrate a children’s book or start a new series of benefit art exhibitions.
Who Needs Trees? • This talented scratchboard artist always tries to spend some time just observing a piece of her work before deciding it is complete.
Pencils and Other Drawing Tools Contributed • The majority of artists use pencils in some way to assist in expressing their creativity. Some use graphite as a primary medium while others limit their use to sketching. A few of your favourite art materials suppliers are pleased to feature some excellent drawing options here.
Portrait of an Irishman • Capturing the spirit and the likeness of a person through portraiture takes a significant level of skill and understanding. This clever lady does it with pastels.
Eye of Observation • Draw, draw, and draw some more; develop your artist’s eye of observation. Sterling advice from a lady who believes that seeing shapes in paintings requires a truly ‘arty’ eye.
Once We Were Important • A simplified and well named painting tells a powerful and interesting story. This clever pastel artist is delighted to share her techniques for the benefit of others.
Back to the Future • With the discovery of pencils now a mere 250 years ago, a group of artists put together an amazing exhibition.
Pencil Strokes • Here is an amazing graphite artist whose favourite subject is wildlife. This lady truly delights in the fact that so many textures that can be achieved through the stroke of a pencil.
Group Hug • Very few artists are capable of exploiting the potential of pencils with as much creative flair and unmitigated skill as this talented South Australian. Here she describes her process for producing this charming piece of work.
Artists’ Canvas and other Substrates • Before creating a painting, an artist must first decide what surface to paint it on. Traditional substrates include canvas and various types of paper … but there are numerous other options available too. Some of your favourite art materials suppliers are delighted to highlight a selection of the many products being offered to today’s artists.
Floral Fantasies • A retired lady in Queensland who describes herself as a hobby artist loves to create beautiful and bright paintings featuring flowers – in a wide range of mediums.
Tropical Frangipani • A home surrounded by the natural beauty of far north Queensland provides this artist with a lot of inspiration for her charming floral creations.
It’s All In The Details • Bernard’s amazing attention to detail brings this street scene to life.