The 10th issue of LOSE IT! The Banting/LCHF Way is all about how to survive the tricky Christmas holidays without falling off the bant-wagon! We’ve got 41 simple, delicious festive meals as well as a cut-out-and-keep article on 8 super- smart ways to resist temptation when everyone else is inhaling carbs around you. LOSE IT! is so much more than a magazine – it’s the chance to GET YOUR LIFE BACK. We interview world-renowned obesity expert Zoë Harcombe about her own diet (yes, it’s true – she does eat 100g of chocolate a day!) and get her expert opinion on the World Health Organization’s warnings about eating red meat and bacon. (Spoiler alert: no need for alarm. At all.) The family that lost 168kg together tell us how their lives have changed in the easiest and most positive way, and Roxy van Bruwaene explains how she LOST 10KG during her third pregnancy – and what made it so much better – and easier – than her first two. Our expert consultants Dr Gerhard Schoonbee and nutritional therapist Sally-Ann Creed tell us everything we need to know about how to make sense of our cholesterol results as well as what to do about Heartburn or acid reflux. Sally-Ann also explains the real issues with sweetness in general, not just sugar. Should you be drizzling or frying…? We all know that some oils need to be avoided, but LOSE IT! sorts your splashes from your sautées by giving you the ultimate guide of which oil to use for what purpose. Birgitta Höglund explains how banting not only cured her fibromyalgia and chronic pain, but also set her up to feel healthier and more energetic in her seventies than ever before. LOSE IT! The LCHF/Banting Way tells you everything you need to know to follow the banting lifestyle and lose weight, clear your head, increase your energy levels, sleep better – all while eating delicious, satisfying foods that are easy to prepare. LOSE IT! The LCHF/Banting Way will put you on a revolutionary course that will change your life forever.
LOSE IT! The Handbook
HERE’S WHAT’S NEW… • Our super spring roundup of great finds for living your best low-carb life
FROM COMFORT EATER TO LOW-CARB STAR • Notabizolo Vellem’s journey going from 137 kg to 86 kg in two years is a testament to the transformative power of a positive mindset and a low-carb diet.
CAN-DO SITUATION • If you’re looking for a heart-healthy, brain-boosting addition to your diet, tinned fish might be your perfect catch.
Best types of of tinned fish
Why (SH)IT MATTERS • Talking about poop makes us uncomfortable, but that kind of reticence hasn’t served us well. Here’s why.
Is apple cider vinegar good for weight loss? • Ruth Marcus answers readers’ questions.
LOW STRESS, HIGH RESULTS • It’s the Goldilocks of workouts: high-intensity, low-impact training (HILIT) is the solution for those asking, ‘How can I get an effective workout without putting too much strain on my body?’
DIETS DON’T WORK, BUT A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE DOES! • And this low-carb, healthy-fat lifestyle has the most delicious food.
EAT TO EASE your ALLERGIES • Allergies cannot be cured but the symptoms can be managed, and changing to a low-carb, high-fat diet might help.
The HEALTH SCOOP • We’ve picked a selection of books, podcasts and a blog to boost your commitment to a healthy lifestyle and help you keep your weight-loss goals top of mind!
Digital OVERLOAD • Is your daily screen time making you fat? There’s growing evidence that it can have measurable negative consequences for your waistline… and the cause isn’t as obvious as you may think.
DO YOU CRAVE SUGAR? • It’s not lack of discipline; it’s bad bacteria in your gut.
‘I’M NOT DONE LIVING YET’ • A diagnosis of type 2 diabetes shocked Jacqueline Lawrence into switching...