Inspire learning in two languages! This read-only digital version of the English/Spanish magazine helps young children strengthen their first language while learning a second. The engaging stories, poems, puzzles and activities are perfect for young children — and for parents — who are learning to speak and read in Spanish and English. Visit to learn more. Ages 2-6.
Highlights High Five Bilingue
Mi libro
Las aventuras de Manchas
Una carta para Mía
Jugamos en la nieve
Doña Rosa va de compras
Cuenta los pasos • Una rima de acción
¡Mira la liebre del Ártico!
That’s Silly! TM / ¡Qué disparate!
My First Hidden PicturesTM Puzzle
My Book
The Adventures of Spot
Mail for Mia
Let’s Celebrate
Doña Rosa Goes Shopping
Count and Step • An Action Rhyme
Look at the Arctic Hare!
La galería de arte • The Art Gallery