The UK's biggest and best scootering magazine - with over 130 pages containing some of the best examples of customised and restored Lambretta and Vespa scooters in the world, new scooter reviews and test rides, events/ rallies/ show reports, and the massive 48-page pull-out Scooter Trader section - the best place to buy & sell scooters, spare parts and memorabilia!
Each month Scootering also has a large Music section with reviews, band news, interviews and event exclusives. It also regularly raids the archives to bring you best scooter stories and pictures from yesteryear, from Maico to Heinkel, Lambretta to Triumph! With the best classified ads in the business, the very latest news (often before anyone else in the UK!), it's a must read for every scooterist of all ages
A picture paints a thousand words
Out of the SHADOWS • Shadow Catcher first appeared in Scootering more than two decades ago. Having passed through various hands, it’s now restored and in the care of Warren Hodgkinson.
Showtime! • The month of November finds enthusiasts drawn to the big motorcycle shows. We present our highlights from some of the best end-of-season offerings.
The Knowledge: BSRA Championship • The BSRA Championship is one of the most enjoyable, and lucrative, competitions in the world of British scootering. We spoke to Scott Southon, one of the championship’s controllers, to find out more.
Room 101 revisited • Last month Paul missed a trick as it was his 101st column. This month he puts things to rights.
Reinventing the wheel • Ever since scooters came off the production line, they have been altered in one way or another to change both their appearance and performance.
Pausing for thought at Pontedera?
Scootering archive emerges
Bus lane study reveals new evidence of non-existent political concern for motorcyclists, claims MAG
Dealers’ doors close
Winter warmers from Roadskin
Entry level lid from HJC
Merlin magic
Bogey Man • Some scooters go through many incarnations. Thanks to Martin Dean, Bogey Man has survived, been revived, restored and reinvented to continue life in a fresh guise…
STOMPING • All that’s best in the world of scooterist culture brought to you by Nik and Stan
The way we used to do it PART ONE: when stage was all the rage • Today, the Lambretta is an easy machine to tune, but it was a different story in the 1980s. In the first of a new series, Stu Owen explores how things used to be.
TRIBUTE • There’s a long-established tradition that for major anniversaries, SIP will produce a very special edition scooter. SIP’s 30th anniversary was no exception.
TELL US WHAT YOU’RE THINKING • Letters&emails&correspondence&questions&personals&thank-yous&comments&more Feedback, Scootering Magazine, PO Box 99, Horncastle, Lincs LN9 6LZ or
Show us your Scoots
Send Us a Postcard • Every month we love to share your adventures both big and small. Whether it’s a local rideout, a rally at the rugby club or something more adventurous, send Stan your pics with a short account of what happened, and we’ll do the rest.
Missouri mayhem
London Ride of Remembrance
Happy BLACK • How do we get a younger generation into scootering? In the Zinnen family’s case it’s a thoroughly modern paint scheme.
Second time around : the Lambretta 1978 story • When the Indian factory was ready to export the Lambretta, was it possible that its success story in the UK could be repeated?
Luscious, luxurious Gran Lusso • The Gran Lusso is an often-overlooked classic Vespa. Not only does Martin Bridgewater’s example have the look, it also has history and a serious...