The Australian Model Railway Magazine covers the modelling of Australian railways in all scales and gauges. The magazine regularly features contributors layouts and modelling projects, covering everything from completely scratchbuilt models, through modifying ready-to-run commercial products and kit bashing to 'hints and tips', as well as product reviews and the latest news from the manufacturers.
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Australian Model Railway Magazine
MURTOA CHANGE FOR HOPETOUN LINE • Richard Parker describes his HO scale layout, a reproduction of Murtoa, in the Victorian Railways era of the 1950s and 1960s.
At A Glance
Backdrops • Trevor Hodges. Photos by the author.
Rob Burford’s Pirie Layout (Part 2) • Rodney Barrington describes the Commonwealth Railways level of Rob Burford’s triple-gauge HO scale layout.
DC Train detection circuit for hidden sidings – without using detectors
The Camden line • John Casey presents a location to model that will fit in a bedroom.
Making foam scenery for Australian layouts • The AMRM team outlines techniques for making foam based scenery.
Materials Required
SAR 85ft Turntable Kitbash • Gavin Thrum kitbashes an 85ft SAR turntable. Photos by the author, unless otherwise credited.
Materials Required
Reader’s Gallery