A brand-new magazine filled with true stories of extraordinary moments and everyday miracles that reveal a hidden spiritual force at work in our lives. These fascinating stories will entertain you and remind you that there is something more, something greater in our lives.
Editor’s Note
Hearing God’s Voice
News From Around Our Wonderful World
Bend in the Road
Home Sweet Home • Hebrews 3:4 tells us, “For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.” This collection of house-hunting miracles reveals the work of the ultimate architect.
The Glow
The Reel Mower
Star Turn: Lauren Daigle
The “Wrong” Mrs. McCarthy
The Big Question • How Does one "find" God?
“Where Are Your Children?”
A Glimpse of Old Glory
On the Soul
#Ahhhmazing • A World Wide Web of miracles
The Junkyard Prayer
Right Place, Right Time
Under the Canopy
Words of Wisdom
History’s Mysteries
Balloons From Beyond
Dreams & Premonitions
Mysterious Moments
Natural Wonders
Mysterious Ways
End Note