British Columbia History chronicles British Columbia’s unique story through the words and images of community writers, archivists, museum professionals, academic historians and more. Fresh, engaging, personal and relevant, every issue is packed with articles, photographs, maps, illustrations, book reviews and insights into local archives and historic sites.
British Columbia History
The Dispossession of Japanese Canadians: Lessons from Living History
Landscapes of Injustice • The 1940s dispossession of Japanese Canadians
Broken Promises
Landscapes of Injustice • Resources for teachers and students
CASE FILES: The Custodian of Enemy Alien Property records
Japanese Words Glossary
Reconciling the Past with Music and Visual Arts
Meeting My Ojii-san (Granddad)
Heroism in the Everyday: Soul friendship
Rage at the Plunder
Letters of What Was Lost
Connecting Memory with Historical Documents
Connecting a Family’s Lost Fleet to Historical Documents
Treated Like a Criminal
Accessing the Archives: Connecting the Dots
Protest Letters
Onus of Proof
Pleas to Save a Family Farm
Property Lost —Found in Case Files: Stitching together family (hi)stories
Teaching the Past to the Future
Family Case Files
Custodian Case File: 1556: Heijiro Hiraoka
Bird Commission
A First World War Vet Loses His Farm
EVA’S JOURNEY The story of a Hungarian refugee
The Sopron School: Hungarian forestry comes to BC
South Asian Studies Institute (SASI) at the University of the Fraser Valley Launches Six Projects
Food for Thought
The Wake of History On foot and by canoe
Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre, Burnaby
Writing Wrongs: Japanese Canadian Protest Letters of the 1940s
TASHME HISTORICAL PROJECT Filling a hole in Canada’s history
Editorial Calendar
Making Historical Connections
Friends of the BC Archives YouTube Channel
Woolly Wednesdays with Senaqwila Wyss
Mrs. Yamaura’s Washboard