Seven issues a year devoted to the enjoyment and protection of the Adirondack Park. In-depth writing and vivid photography bring the Adirondacks to life in tales of recreational adventure, coverage of environmental and policy issues and exploration of the communities that make up this unique six-million acre park.
Adirondack Explorer
Brief Bio
Adirondack trail work is in his DNA • Tony Goodwin’s seven decades among the trees
Producing for paddlers and people • Essex Industries turns out lightweight canoes and prideful workers
Candid cameras • Scientists, students collect images and data of the wild
Practicing laws of nature • Students, activists, Indigenous people defend “rights” of Adirondack waters
A welcoming TGIF ride • Terrific views and terrain on Wilmington’s Hardy Road trail
Final exam in the woods • Students wade into nature and discovery
Two towers, one outing • Ups and downs of Blue and Goodnow on one day
Breaking down Stefanik’s low marks on environmental bills • Congresswoman takes hits for social justice votes
Fresh look: A place to feel grounded • OK Slip Falls, an Adirondack lake and a needed reminder
Spilling to Champlain • A walking history of the LaChute River
Viewpoint: Hiking and life lessons from an aging friend
Outtakes: It’s time to rethink place names and shed offensive words
Birdwatch: Catching up with an elegant, dwindling flycatcher
It's debatable: How can we block invasives from Champlain canal? • Closing a portion of the canal system would obstruct traffic
On the wild side: The pads paddlers ponder
Last page: Families of deer hunters • Let coyotes make long distance calls