Grit Magazine has celebrated rural American lifestyles since 1882. Each bimonthly issue combines practical articles, product reviews, do-it-yourself building plans, beautiful photos, reader advice, humor and a healthy dose of fresh attitude to offer a complete guide to life beyond the city limits.
Grit • VOLUME 140, ISSUE 5
BRING THE COMMUNITY TOGETHER WITH BONFIRE COOKOUTS • A bonfire bonanza is the perfect way to celebrate good friends and the end of summer.
Catching Up With Our Social Circle
PIE FRI • Gather friends and family for a weekly pizza night to connect over homemade food and fun.
SAVING BIENNIAL SEEDS • Keeping cabbage, carrots, and collards in the garden for their second year of growth will gift you with more seeds than you need for the next growing season.
Make Vinegar FROM SCRATCH • Transform your food waste, from apple peels to corn husks, into a nutritious, flavorful kitchen staple.
ADD GARLIC to Your Garden Lineup • This easy-going crop packs a flavorful punch that can’t be beat by store-bought options.
SEEK OUT SMALL FARMS • Shop sustainably with local farms and discover the lively place they occupy within the community.
How to Can Venison • Are you a deer in the headlights when it comes to canning meat? Never fear: With these easy-to-follow instructions, you’ll soon be hunting for extra Mason jars to pack with venison.
Farmsteading Profits Beyond Meat, Eggs, and Vegetables • Goat yoga, llama walks, and corn mazes are just a few of the many options out there for nontraditional farm revenue streams.
Radiant Radishes: A FABULOUS FALL CROP • Learn how to grow crisp and juicy radishes that perfectly complement your dishes.
CRAFT A Better Leather Apron • Turn a deer hide into a multipurpose apron that’s a perfect fit for garden chores and workshop projects.
CONSTRUCT A Sturdy Clothesline • Save money by drying your laundry in the sunshine and breeze.
Getting Started with a Livestock Guardian Dog • After choosing a working companion, follow these tips for housing and socializing your LGD.
Bovine Leukemia Virus A Call to Action • This virus causes cancer and other health problems in the cattle whose milk and meat we consume.