This is the only magazine dedicated to the late model VW buses from the T4 and T5 on. The magazine acknowledges the evolution of the VW bus and spotlights where this symbol of freedom and adventure has now arrived: the T4 and T5 - taking their rightful place in the family of VW models and carrying on the tradition of quality and innovation that is the ever iconic VW Bus.
VW Bus T4&5+
BUS BRIEF • The latest news and products from around the world
SHOW CALENDAR • We go to print long before the magazine hits the shelves, the situation can be very different between us writing this and you reading it. Please check carefully on any events you might want to attend. Calendar sourced from We’ll see you out there!
CONSIDER IT DONE • I don’t know if Alan asked me to write this story because of, or in spite of my illustrious career with UPS back in the last century, however as we used to say…
YOU’RE NUTS… WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU SLEEP IN A VAN? • After mixed reactions to my #Vanlife trips, I took some friends, some food, some beers and port to show them what it can be like.
BACK TO BASICS? • Craftsman carpenter Frank Danby enjoys his work, and he simply loves his T5, but with his fascination for the outdoor life work and pleasure are destined not to meet.
ALL-WHEEL DRIVE EXPERTISE FROM VOLKSWAGEN • It's 2008 and Volkswagen has decided to have a day out—a day off-the beaten track, a day of churned soil and of ruts and boulders. Thank goodness for 4MOTION!
'I REALLY DON'T WANT A RED ONE!' • Originally rejected on account of the colour, it's curious how some things can become a part of your life.
ACROSS EUROPE THE ITALIAN MOB (PART DUE) • With daylight fading even faster than our enthusiasm, could the brilliant Park4Night app find us a peaceful (and free!) overnight stop in Italy, at the height of summer?
DUBS AT THE BEACH • Dubs at the Beach, organised by the team behind Dubs at the Castle, was another show making its comeback after a couple of years away.
BUS OF THE YEAR 2022 VW BUS T4&5+ • Congratulations to Robin Homles, who’s amazing T5 won this year’s Bus Of The Year competition! Voted for by the readers, the outfit was originally featured in issue 127. In honour of his success and as tradition dictates, we are awarding him this month’s centre spread.
REFUELLING TRANSPORTERS ON COFFEE AND BROWNIES • Re:Fuel, located on the outskirts of Cullompton near to junction 28 of the M5 is the southwest’s only dedicated “Cars & Coffee” venue and is fast becoming the place in the Southwest for petrolheads to meet, hang out, and relax
A ROOM WITH A VIEW • We bought this '99 T4 about ten years ago from a colleague of mine. Back then, it was white and woefully underpowered…
CAMPERMART THE SHOW SEASON OPENER • After the excitement of the man in the red suit bringing loads of shiny new van parts down the chimney in December, January seems an awfully long month…
WOT, NO KITCHEN? • If you are always found in the kitchen at parties—you are going to be a bit disappointed with this conversion
PICKING UP ON THE PICK-UP • The Transporter range saw a welcome addition in 1952 when the workhorse Pick-up joined its ranks. Here's the potted story.
AIROSPRING MATTRESS TOPPER • I was asked if I would like to test a mattress topper for my camper van and, 'Yes' I said, 'Why not?'
AN EARLY RETIREMENT FRENCH ALPINE ADVENTURE • After retiring early after thirty years of teaching, the summer of 2022 allowed us to travel around Europe “off peak”, catching the end of the summer sun but hopefully without the crowds