Every project featured in Woodsmith contains detailed, step-by-step illustrations and clearly written instructions to guide you through each stage of construction — whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned woodworker. Plus, you’ll get practical, hands-on information covering woodworking techniques, tools, and tips.
from the editor Sawdust
Drilling Metals
Staple Improvements
Balance Bike • Here’s an easy way to turn a few pleasant days of shop time into a lifetime of enjoyment.
Kitchen Table • This sturdy table has a lot going for it — it’s warm, light-hearted, and hospitable, making it the perfect addition for a busy kitchen.
Entry Bench • This welcoming project isn’t just a convenience for your entryway, but also a pleasant piece of furniture to greet guests and family alike.
Vintage Toolbox • What you have here is a toolbox that lets you either dispense with or catch the overflow of the pegboard items cluttering the back of your bench.
Songbird Tower • Liven up your yard this summer by inviting over a few avian friends. This bird feeder is sure to keep them coming back for more.
SOSS Hinges