Published by TI Media Limited The Field is a monthly glossy magazine dedicated to those brave souls who shoot, fish and hunt way beyond the call of duty. Since 1853, its staff has selflessly brought its readers the cream of rural life, be it pheasant shooting, dry-fly fishing or the distinct merits of Cheval Blanc. If you love field sports, errant terriers and very foxy friends at hunt balls, The Field is for you.
The Field
Fighting corporate cowardice • Protecting the brand is the holiest writ of modern business – something activists are keenly aware of and attempt to use to push their agenda. But we can play the game too, as Tim Bonner explains
Field follies
ASA takes action against anti-shooting advert
Mink-free Britain ‘a realistic dream’
One good deed…
GWCT wader initiative
News in brief
March diary
Scottish deer management plan concerns
The Field’s Almanac
Food & drink
Field kitchen kit
Kit to covert • Our monthly guide to everything notable in the field for sporting enthusiasts and those keen on country life
Henrietta Knight • After a break of 11 years, the legendary trainer of three-time Cheltenham Gold Cup winner Best Mate is back in the game and as ambitious as ever
Property’s top performers • From buy-to-let in the north-west to industrial in London, there are significant opportunities in the market as 2024 swings into gear but canny investors will continue to diversify, believes Rupert Bates
Six of the best: Properties from around the country
An ode to four-legged friends • Whether they are perfect peg dogs or unruly geniuses, our canine companions leave a lasting impression on both heart and mind, say Neil and Serena Cross
Words matter • The language of fieldsports is rooted in history, and true sportsmen have a duty to learn it, says Sir Johnny Scott
Doing your guns a great service • Affording proper care and attention to our shooting kit will pay dividends in the long run, keeping it safe, reliable and rust-free
When double barrels became de rigueur • The advent of the double-barrelled flintlock shotgun in the 1780s was greeted with enthusiasm by our sporting forebears, who used it to remarkable effect
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Where to send your gundog to school • From puppies, reactive dogs and rescues to field trial stars in the making, our hand-picked selection of gundog experts can help solve any canine conundrum
What your gundog says about you • The similarities between owners and their canine charges are often remarked upon but how does the dog at your heel reflect your personality?
Giving dogs their day • Open to all breeds, The Field Top Dog Awards recognise and reward the cherished canines, working or otherwise, that enrich our lives
One last outing in a field of dreams • After a remarkable 14 seasons, followers of the Newcastle and District Beagles gather to bid farewell to a respected huntsman
“Hellish dark and smells of cheese” • Robert Smith Surtees: the man and the mirth
The gold standard • Regarded as the pinnacle of jump racing and marking its centenary this year, the Cheltenham Gold Cup is the race that all jockeys dream of winning
A jewel among salmon rivers • Boasting 21 miles of water from source to sea, the Helmsdale offers first-rate fishing for those willing to work for it. Only serious anglers need apply…
Sporting dogs in the frame • Dogs play a unique role in rural life, one that artists have long strived to capture. We asked some friends of The Field to share their favourite works of canine...