Published by TI Media Limited The Field is a monthly glossy magazine dedicated to those brave souls who shoot, fish and hunt way beyond the call of duty. Since 1853, its staff has selflessly brought its readers the cream of rural life, be it pheasant shooting, dry-fly fishing or the distinct merits of Cheval Blanc. If you love field sports, errant terriers and very foxy friends at hunt balls, The Field is for you.
The Field
Uncancelling the countryside • With British landscape paintings the latest to fall victim to a virulent ‘cancel culture’, it has never been more important for rural dwellers to stand up and speak out, says Miles Malone
Holyrood backs grouse licensing • To contact the news desk, message us via our social channels or send an email to
Ireland announces extension to deerstalking season
One good deed… • Angling Trust wins contract to introduce more people to fishing
News in brief
The Game Fair advance ticket offer
May diary
General licence for gamebird release on SPAs
Taking digital steps to drive positive change
Kit to covert • Our monthly guide to everything notable in the field for sporting enthusiasts and those keen on country life
Claire Mercer Nairne • A countrywoman to her bones, the indefatigable chatelaine of Meikleour talks to John Bailey about family, fishing, farming and her vision for the estate’s future
Varsity match • Guns from Cambridge and Oxford universities vie for the coveted Field Cups.
Letters to the Editor • Write to: The Editor, The Field, Future Publishing PLC, 121-141 Westbourne Terrace, London W2 6JR. Email:
Country estate of the month • The Mount, Oswestry, Shropshire
What the future holds for water • Landowners, farmers and developers all have a part to play.
Lessons from the riverbank • Fostering a love of fishing in our children is the best way to ensure that rivers and their finned inhabitants are left in safe and knowledgeable hands, say Neil and Serena Cross
All change on the first of May • While it is right to marvel at flawless houndwork and expert horsemanship, those toiling behind the scenes deserve the highest admiration of all, says Sir Johnny Scott
For salmon, every little helps • Gabriel Stone explains how being more adventurous and thoughtful in how we shop could make all the difference to the future of the king of fish
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Every shot in the book • Connecting with pigeon can be a tough challenge for any gun but understanding how to address these wild and wily birds, however they approach, will give you the best chance of success
Top shots and flintlocks • By the early 1800s the flintlock had reached a state of near-perfection but how did its performance compare with that of the modern gun?
Spotting the trout of a lifetime • Catching a big brownie is the stuff of dreams for many anglers but never fear: there are ways to stack the odds in your favour
Where there’s a weir… • Built to harness the power of our waterways, weirs across the country are now being removed to help migratory fish continue their journey upstream
The reel deal • Nowadays few of us venture on to the riverbank without at least one reel but how did this small device become such a core element of an angler’s kit?
Growing up in hunt kennels • With puppies to play with, horses and hounds to care for and life lessons to learn, a childhood spent in kennels is a privileged one but there are compromises too
The spiritual home of British racing • Newmarket is not only the stage for many of the most exhilarating races...