Perfect for nature-loving pre-schoolers, National Geographic Little Kids magazine is crammed full of cute creatures, interactive activities and mind-teasing puzzles. It's not just fun - it's an adventure that nurtures your child's key skills in numeracy, literacy, and beyond!
Why? • Why do you think animals cannot talk?
Animal Talk • Animals also ‘talk’ using body language! Here are some ways to tell how your pet cat or dog might feel.
Breakfast Time!
What is Different? • Look at each picture in the top row. Then find the differences between it and the one below.
That's Cool! • Meet the cape porcupine.
Spiky, Slimy or Soft? • Poke the spiky animals. Stroke the soft animals. And blow a kiss at the slimy animals!
Seals: Built to Swim • Mediterranean monk seals spend most of their lives in the sea. They breathe air like you do, but can hold their breath underwater for up to 15 minutes. Wow!
Animal Lookalikes
BABY BEAR TAKES A RIDE! • Baby sloth bears ride on their mother’s backs to stay safe from hungry animals.
Two of a Kind • Point to the word next to each picture. Say the name of each picture out loud. Then find all the pictures with same letters in the middle of the word.
A Robin Feeds its Chicks
Types of Transport • Getting around town!
Let's visit… MALAWI!
Rhino Jigsaw
Malawi Maze • Help this caracal get through the maze to catch the antelope!
Shape Shifters • These are all 3D shapes that you might see in things you use every day. Use the clues to find each shape.
National Geographic Little Kids