Perfect for nature-loving pre-schoolers, National Geographic Little Kids magazine is crammed full of cute creatures, interactive activities and mind-teasing puzzles. It's not just fun - it's an adventure that nurtures your child's key skills in numeracy, literacy, and beyond!
Why? • Why do you think we shiver when we are cold?
Wrap Up Warm! • These children feel chilly. What extra clothes could they put on to help them warm up?
Name the Animals • Can you name these creatures? What letters are missing?
What is Different? • Look at each picture in the top row. Then find the differences between it and the one below.
That's Cool! • Meet the peacock mantis shrimp.
Colour Wordsearch • Peacock mantis shrimp are very colourful. Can you find all their colours in the grid?
Find the Frogs • Look at all the frogs. Draw a circle with your finger around the four frogs that are the same. Then find the frogs that are in pairs. Tap all the frogs that are different.
FANCY FEATHERS • A male Raggiana bird of paradise puts on a show to attract females. He starts by shouting louder and longer: “Wah wah waahh WAAHH!”
MORE BIRDS OF PARADISE • There are 39 different kinds of birds of paradise. Here are a few.
Three Little Letters • Say each three-letter word out loud. Draw a line with your finger from the word to the picture it matches.
A Snowshoe Hare Changes Colour
Arctic Animals • The Arctic sky is bright tonight!
THREE-TOED SLOTH • A sloth lives in rainforest trees. It sleeps, eats and even raises its babies while hanging from branches. Here is why a sloth has the perfect body for living in trees.
Let's visit… GERMANY!
Cuckoo Clocks • Special clocks from Germany!
Ice Animal Match! • Look at each animal. Then look at each ice carving. Draw a line with your finger from the ice carving to the animal it matches.
National Geographic Little Kids