Take 5 has MORE real life stories and MORE puzzles than any other weekly magazine in Australia. It’s packed with real-life stories that make you laugh, cry, gasp and feel inspired. There’s also easy, budget-friendly recipes, expert health advice, plus handy hints and tips to make your life easier – plus a massive prize pool on offer each week, with car, cash and more up for grabs.
Ex Marks The Spot
Love What Matters
A Sweet Surprise
Pink power
Forever Young • The importance of embracing our inner child – and what it can teach us
A fresh take on Spring
Not My Sis
Grief and Greed
Safety in Sisterhood
Your tips
Paw Patrol
Relax and refresh
Stitched With Love
A 2cm Cut Did This!
Quick Bites
A slice of Spring
Budget-Busting Dinners
A Rubbish Date
Bilbao beckons
Swinging Or Losing
Croc Hunter
Brother To The Rescue
Take 5
Your letters