Take 5 has MORE real life stories and MORE puzzles than any other weekly magazine in Australia. It’s packed with real-life stories that make you laugh, cry, gasp and feel inspired. There’s also easy, budget-friendly recipes, expert health advice, plus handy hints and tips to make your life easier – plus a massive prize pool on offer each week, with car, cash and more up for grabs.
No Ocean Too Great
Dead To The World
Expect The Unexpected
Sixty And Sexy!
Gut instinct
Find your Fit
Short Story
Miss you Mum
Your tips
The Broken Bride
Weerts Mania!
Bat's Incredible
Masking The Pain
Best Brunch ever
Spooky Snack
Budget-Busting Dinners
They’re Giant!
Brisbane bliss
Stuck In The Middle • Send them each the same message, how you support both their feelings but as you love them both you won’t be involved in discussions about each one behind their backs.