Take 5 has MORE real life stories and MORE puzzles than any other weekly magazine in Australia. It’s packed with real-life stories that make you laugh, cry, gasp and feel inspired. There’s also easy, budget-friendly recipes, expert health advice, plus handy hints and tips to make your life easier – plus a massive prize pool on offer each week, with car, cash and more up for grabs.
Nan... You’re A Star!
Tainted Love Letter
Battler's Big Win
Around The World In 40 Dates!
Braving the Cold
Say Cheese • Why dairy is an important ingredient in your daily diet
Red Revival • Wake up wardrobe basics with a splash of scarlet highlights
A Moooving Friendship
Your tips
No more Bullying!
Blushing Beauty
Kicked Into Shape
My little Fighter
The D Word
Stew Good! • Comforting stews and casseroles for the whole family
All Rise • Whip up a light, chocolatey dessert with a deliciously sweet golden centre
Budget-Bu$ting Lunches • Transform a bag of frozen peas into a delish meal or snack
Challenge Accepted
Yellowstone under ice • Lonely Planet experiences this iconic national park in winter
Fundraising Fanatic
Stars • Your week ahead with award-winning astrologer Yasmin
Loud And Proud
Your letters